Tuesday, January 12, 2010


i came home today in between between errands
to find a package on my front stoop.

who doesn't love that?

nothing like a surprise with goodies inside. i'll just take a box with my name on the outside_ just to know someone's been thinkin' bout me.. but a box WITH special things for ME inside?!?!? make my day, why don't you?!!!

part of the reason _ that i am delayed on my Tyler's challenge is i'm not properly equipped as my fancy pants sis who has a stock filled kitchen of new fangled utensils and tools.

i'm working with two frying pans and one super sweet Le Creuset soup pot. Why, it was just the other day I stumbled upon a cheese knife in my drawer and was so happily surprised, i cried out loud.

Nevertheless, as i was explaining my neediness to my sister, she as always, answered my call. Every real tool of sorts, required for the first overdue "challenge" except the ingredients, were inside the box upon my stoop this afternoon.

Could I have a better sister? Seriously? seriously.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hee hee. i did it while we were on the phone. amazon makes gift giving so darn easy. ;P

  3. yes ___ it does when you have money in your accounts:::)
