Monday, December 14, 2009

no spooning for YOU!

tell Mark that as a result of his hateful comments, he has a time out from spooning with me during Christmas.

Banned to the steps, as i snuggle under your fake living room "sheet" blankets..

The video below seals his fate.
watch _

that will be the sound of mark's big noggin.
*cover little ears* mommy


  1. ummm can we make these videos g-rated in the future. either that or write in capital red letters that the volume should be muted - you know, b/c of the kitchen full of kids who've never heard those words before.

  2. that's what previewing is for mommy dearest. no time_outs!

    you were supposed to watch this the night you posted the "mocking" entry.. . the kids were in dreamland then... not sitting around the computer waiting to watch dirty videos. Gosh! What kind of mother are you anyway????
